Basseterre, St. Kitts – The St. Kitts and Nevis Bureau of Standards in its latest round of testing of bottled water
in St. Kitts and Nevis found that samples taken from Island Purified Water failed the necessary testing.
As a result, the Department of Environmental Health has initiated a programme to remove from consumption
all bottled water produced by Island Purified Water within the last two weeks. This is being done out of an
abundance of caution while further testing and corrective measures are being undertaken.
Consumers should not drink any water that was distributed from Island Purified Water within the last two
weeks as it may result in diarrheal illness.
The St. Kitts and Nevis Bureau of Standards, in collaboration with the Department of Consumer Affairs and the
Ministry of Health, is actively addressing this matter and will keep the public duly informed.
For further information or to submit queries, please contact:
Chief Medical Officer (Acting): Dr. Cameron Wilkinson